Saturday, November 13, 2010



The traditional Malay house is undergoing many changes and is faced
with constant threats to its continued existence. Economic and socio-cultural
values promoted by modern development are making a strong impact on the
Malay houseforms. The status of the traditional Malay house is being lowered
and traditional Malay houseforms are being vulgarised and replaced by modern
houseforms. Appropriate local building materials and the coherent and
holistic design principles of the traditional Malay houseforms are being replaced
and disintegrated by modern influences.
While houseforms should change to fit the changing needs of the users,
modern changes in the Malay houseforms are disruptive and inappropriate
because such changes are often imposed from external sources and are not
understood by the local communities. These changes are often irrelevant to
and disregard local and socio-economic, cultural and environmental conditions.


First, the Malaysian timber industry is heavily export-oriented. This has
affected the quality, quantity and cost of timber available for the local market.
The export-oriented timber industry has pushed up local timber prices and
since most of the high-quality timbers are exported, the local market is deprived
of high-quality hardwoods.

Secondly, restrictive, archaic and stringent building bylaws to control fires
have deterred the building of timber houses in the urban areas. The uniform
building bylaws which are based on stringent standards demand a high degree
of scientific treatment of the timber. Unless the timber used meets these requirements,
the house would be classified as a temporary dwelling.
While timber houses are considered a fire risk, it has been proven that
large timber beams actually perform better than steel or concrete in a strong
fire. Under intense heat, steel buckles and concrete crumbles, causing the
total collapse of a building. Timber, on the other hand, after initial ignition,
smoulders at a rate of around 0.6 mm per minute.

Thirdly, the discrimination against wooden structures in housing finance
and higher premiums for insurance have deterred many from building timber
houses. Insurance agents have been reported to charge 50% to 400% higher
than normal rates on insurance premiums for protection of timber buildin
against fire.

Lastly, the majority of architects in Malaysia have relatively little timber
technology know-how. This gap is not likely to be filled, given the present
difficulties resulting from restrictive building bylaws and the general prejudice
against timber houses.

Diminishing resources and skills
Diminishing resources for building the Malay house are another big problem.
Building materials, which were once freely available, have to be bought
at a very high cost today. Many materials, which in the past could be gathered
free from the environment, are no longer easily accessible because the natural
surroundings have been increasingly cleared for development projects and
agriculture. Attap, which was once the main roofing material for Malay houses,
is today becoming scarce. So too are bamboo, the nibong tree and other trees
which supply free timber for building the houses. Unless there are positive
steps to rehabilitate the resource base for appropriate local building materials,
one can foresee increasing dependence on modem materials in the building of
the Malay house.

The general lack of appreciation of the traditional Malay house by the
younger generation and the lack of rural labour are additional factors causing
the erosion of the traditional Malay house. The carpenters, wood-carvers, attapweavers
and other artisans involved in the building of the traditional Malay
houses are a dying breed. This trend is caused by the diminishing popularity
of the houses, inappropriate legislation and the lack of interest among the
young people in continuing in the trade.

The threat of building bylaws
Another threat looming over the traditional Malay house is the imposition
of.inappropriate building bylaws in the rural areas. In 1978, the Penang
State Government drafted laws to include the rural areas under the jurisdiction
of building bylaws which were formerly applicable only to the urban

The traditional Malay house is designed, managed and financed by the
user. It is built by the users and the village carpenters. But the building bylaws
extended to the rural areas require that formal building plans be drawn up and
approved by the local authorities before a house can be built or extended. The
building bylaws are made in relation to modern buildings in the urban areas
and are wholly unsuitable for the rural areas where traditional Malay houses

The enforcement of such bylaws means that villagers wishing to build or
extend a Malay house would have to get building plans drawn up and approved.
Such plans will have to be prepared by registered architects, very few
of whom in Malaysia have any deep knowledge of traditional Malay houses.
In rural areas, most villagers cannot afford the expensive services of architects.
Besides, traditional Malay house users and carpenters do not build according
to plans but by experience. They are unable to read or follow formal
house plans. Consequently, commercial contractors from the urban areas have
to be employed to construct the houses according to plans. This completely
goes against the principle of the traditional Malay house where the user controls
the design and construction of the house.

Thus, the extension of the bylaws poses a serious threat not only to the
continued existence of the house in the future, but also to the existence of
traditional carpenters, craftsmen, attap-weavers and others involved in traditional-
Malay-house construction. The bylaws, in effect, will displace and replace
them with contractors, developers and professionals.
Such a development is most destructive because it erodes the important
housing contributions made by the users and the informal sectors. It was estimated
that three-quarters of construction in the developing countries take place
in the informal sector. According to another estimate by Constantin Doxiadis,
a famous Greek architect, only 4% of the world’s buildings had received any
input from trained architects.

Housing layout will also have to conform with the planning standards of
the bylaws. This means conforming to regular lot lines and clearances of houses
from the lot lines. This leads to regimented and monotonous rows of houses
typical of modern housing estates and government-built kampongs. This contrasts
with the unique informal housing layout in traditional villages.

Thus, the principles and rationale of the traditional Malay house - the
control of its design and construction by users; its addition system to suit the
user’s needs through time; its particular characteristics designed to suit the
culture and lifestyle of the user; self-help and mutual-help approaches of
housebuilding - are now threatened with complete ruin due simply to the
enforcement of a wholly inappropriate set of building bylaws. This, more
than anything else, reveals so clearly the complete lack of understanding and
appreciation among planners and architects of the traditional Malay house in
terms of utility, culture, climate and economics.



Illuminati adalah sebuah organisasi persaudaraan rahasia kuno yang pernah ada dan diyakini masih tetap ada sampai sekarang, walaupun tidak ditemukan bukti - bukti nyata tentang keberadaan organisasi persaudaraan ini sampai saat ini. Kata Illuminati dapat diterjemahkan sebagai "Pencerahan Baru". 

Para pengikut Illuminati disebut "Illuminatus", yang berarti "Yang Tercerahkan". Illuminati sebelumnya bernama Ordo Perfectibilists, yang didirikan oleh Adam Weishaupt (1748-1811), seorang keturunan Yahudi yang lahir dan besar di Ingolstadt, dan memiliki latar belakang pendidikan sebagai seorang Jesuit. Adam Weishaupt lalu menjadi seorang pendeta Katolik dan selanjutnya mengorganisasi House of Rothschild. Pada perkembangan selanjutnya, ia beserta organisasi yang dipimpinnya, Illuminati, memiliki pandangan-pandangan yang menyimpang (bid'ah) dari ajaran resmi gereja Katolik, sehingga ia diekskomunikasi (dilarang mengajarkan pahamnya) oleh gereja dan dikeluarkan dari kelompok gereja kristiani-Katolik. Illuminatus adalah individu - individu yang mencari jawaban dan penjelasan rasional dengan apa yang disebut "Agama sebagai misteri Tuhan". Menurut mereka, dengan penjelasan logis ilmu pengetahuan tidak ada lagi misteri Tuhan karena semua ada jawabannya.
                                                           Adam Weishaupt

Dalam novel "Angels and Demon" karya Dan Brown; Salah seorang Illuminatus yang terkenal adalah Galileo Galilei(, seorang ahli antropologi yang dihukum pancung oleh gereja akibat membuat pernyataan bahwa pusat alam semesta bukan bumi, melainkan matahari. Pernyataan tersebut dianggap menyinggung gereja, karena secara tidak langsung menyatakan bahwa Tuhan dengan sengaja menempatkan pusat kehidupan di planet lain. Dalil Galilei tersebut juga sekaligus membantah doktrin gereja pada saat itu bahwa Bumi berbentuk datar. Sejak saat itu Illuminatus terus diburu oleh para kaum gereja. Saat pihak geraja menenmkan anggota Illuminati, mereka ditangkap lalu diberi cap salib di dada mereka, baru kemudian dibunuh. Anggota Illuminati kemudian bergerak dari bawah tanah sebagai sebuah kelompok rahasia yang paling dicari oleh gereja. Para Illuminatus yang melarikan diri kemudian bertemu dengan kelompok rahasia lainnya yaitu kelompok ahli batu yang bernama Freemasonry atau lebih sering disebut sebagai kelompok Mason.

Perkembangan Illuminati

Sejak bergabung dengan kelompok Freemasonry, illuminati menjadi semakin kuat karena dibantu oleh jaringan kelompok Freemasonry yang sepertinya tidak menyadari telah dijadikan alat transportasi aman oleh illuminati. Illuminati terus diburu oleh gereja. Mereka dicap sebagai penganut paham Luciferian Conspiracy, dikarenakan mereka, sama seperti halnya Freemasonry, memiliki ritual pemujaan kepada "Sang Arsitek Agung" / "The Great Architect", yang dilambangkan oleh mereka berupa "The Wholeseeing-Eye" atau "Mata tuhan" (diambil dari legenda mesir); yang merupakan simbol dari Lucifer (sebutan setan dalam tradisi kristiani).

Sejak 1782 gerakan Illuminati menyebar dari Denmark sampai ke Portugal, bahkan lebih jauh lagi. Orang-orang Inggris yang terilluminasi bergabung dengan orang-orang AmerikaLoji Columbia di kota New York pada tahun yang sama. Seorang bangsawan muda Rusia, Alexander Radischev, bergabung di Leipzieg, dan menyebarkan doktrinnya ke kampung halamannya di St. Petersburg. Di Lisabon seorang penyair bernama Claudio Manuel da Costa menjadi anggota, dan ketika hijrah ke Brazil ia mendirikan sebuah cabang dengan dibantu dua orang dokter dari Ouro Preto, Domingos Vidal Barbarosa dan Jose Alvares Maciel. Pada tahun 1788 trio ini melancarkan pemberontakan Illuminati yang pertama, Inconfidencia Mineira, tetapi pemberontakan itu ditumpas ketika baru saja berputik oleh raja muda Marquis de Barbacena. Hingga saat ini, mereka berjuang secara diam-diam melawan dan berusaha meruntuhkan gereja katolik roma, yang dianggap melambangkan kekuasaan dari Yesus Kristus, musuh Lucifer.  


Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Sejarah perkamusan Melayu

Kamus Besar Bahasa Melayu Utusan
Kamus Inggeris Melayu Dewan
Kamus bahasa Melayu

Kamus sulung bahasa Melayu ialah Kamus Melayu-China dalam tulisan Cina yang disusun pada tahun 1403.Kamus itu hanya mengandungi lebih kurang 500 perkataan yang berkaitan dengan perdagangan. Kamus Melayu susunan orang Eropah yang pertama kemudian disusun pada 1522 oleh Antonio Figagetta yang menemani Ferdinand Magellanrempah-ratus di Maluku, Sulawesi.Kamusnya mengandungi 426 perkataan yang ditulis dalam bahasa Melayu-Itali. mengeliling dunia. Dipercayai Figagetta mengumpul perkataan Melayu untuk berniaga.

Selama tiga abad yang berikut, orang Melayu hampir tidak mempedulikan ilmu perkamusanorang Eropah mengumpulkan bahan-bahan kamus mereka. Masa itu, pujangga-pujangga sastera Melayu tidak pernah dibantu oleh apa-apa jua kamus, melainkan orang tua sahaja untuk mengambil peranan kamus. Ilmu perkamusan Melayu ialah satu daripada kesan-kesan yang ditinggalkan oleh penjajah dalam persuratan Melayu.Orang Eropah terpaksa belajar bahasa Melayu bagi memudahkan hubungan langsung dengan penduduk. Dengan percampuran tersebut, perbendaharaan bahasa Melayu bertambah dengan kata-kata asing dan kian kaya, didorong oleh keperluan perdagangan.sama sekali.

Didorong oleh pertentangan terhadap pengasasan Malayan Union pada 1946, orang Melayu mula memperjuangkan bahasa, sastera, dan negara. Bagaimanapun, perkamusan Melayu masih belum diperjuangkan oleh sesiapa pun sehingga kemunculan Zainal Abidin Safarwan1958 lalu menghasilkan kamusnya yang pertama, An Advanced Malay-English Dictionary, yang diterbitkan oleh Merican & Sons, Singapura pada 1964. Kamusnya yang kedua, Kamus Sinonim dengan Ungkapan Lengkap diterbitkan oleh Utusan Publications & Distributors Sdn Bhd pada tahun 1984 yang baru mula  berkecimpung dalam bidang tersebut.



Apokalips merujuk kepada penyingkapan Allah, dalam penyamarannya sebagai sang Mesias, dan bukan kepada seluruh kehancuran dunia yang akan menyertai Penyataan Diri Allah sendiri kepada umat manusia.

"An Apocalypse (Greek: Ἀποκάλυψις Apokálypsis; "lifting of the veil" or "revelation") is a disclosure of something hidden from the majority of mankind in an era dominated by falsehood and misconception, i.e. the veil to be lifted. The term also can refer to the eschatological final battle, the Armageddon, and the idea of an end of the world. These perceptions may better be related to the phrase apokalypsis eschaton, literally "revelation at [or of] the end of the æon, or age". In Christianity The Apocalypse of John is the Book of Revelation, the last book of the Christian Bible."

Saya tertarik untuk menbincangkan tentang frasa ini berikutan ia berkaitan dengan hari kiamat dan isu 2012.Isu ini juga memerlukan laporan bertulis dan teori -teori yang boleh diguna pakai untuk dibincangkan.

Dalam terminologi literatur Yahudi dan Kristen perdana, istilah ini merujuk pada penyingkapan tentang hal-hal yang tersembunyi yang diberikan oleh Allah kepada seorang nabi pilihan. Istilah ini lebih sering digunakan untuk menggambarkan laporan tertulis tentang penyingkapan tersebut. Sastra apokaliptik cukup penting dalam sejarah tradisi Yahudi-Kristen-Islam, sebagai keyakinan seperti misalnya kebangkitan orang yang sudah mati, hari penghakiman, surga dan neraka dijelaskan secara eksplisit di dalamnya. Keyakinan apokaliptik telah ada sebelum hadirnya Kekristenan. Ia muncul dalam agama-agama lain, dan telah bergabung ke dalam masyarakat sekular di masa kini, khususnya melalui budaya populer (lih. Apokaliptisisme). Keyakinan-keyakinan seperti apokalips juga muncul dalam sistem-sistem keagamaan lainnya. Contohnya adalah konsep Hindu tentang pralaya.
Pada 1832 Gottfried Christian Friedrich Lücke mendapati kata "Apokalips" sebagai deskripsi untuk Kitab Wahyu. Penggunaannya diambil dari kata-kata pembukaan kitab ini yang merujuk kepada sebuah apokalips (nubuat) Yesus Kristus yang diberikan kepada Yohanes, yang menuliskan teksnya.

Oleh itu,secara kesimpulannya apokalips boleh dikatakan sebagai laporan atau wahyu yang telah diturukan oleh Allah kepada umatnya.Dek kerana pemikiran akal yang terbatas kita tidak akan dapat mengetahui perkara-perkara tersembunyi yang akan terjadi.Namun wahyu/petunjuk /petanda tetap di beri supaya kita didorong oleh kata hati akan sesuatu hal yang tidak mungkin kita ketahui.

Wahyu tentang hal-hal yang misteri

Apokalips memuat pewahyuan tentang hal-hal yang misteri, hal-hal yang berada di luar jangkauan pengetahuan biasa manusia. Allah memberikan kepada para nabi, atau orang-orang kudus pengajaran sehubungan dengan hal-hal yang tersembunyi, baik hal-hal yang sama sekali asing bagi pengalaman manusia, atau kejadian-kejadian dalam sejarah manusia yang belum terjadi, atau keduanya.

Beberapa dari rahsia-rahsia syurga diungkapkan, secara lebih atau kurang terinci: maksud-maksud rencana Allah bagi umat manusia; perbuatan dan ciri-ciri para malaikat dan roh-roh jahat; penjelasan tentang fenomena alam; kisah tentang Penciptaan dan sejarah tentang umat manusia yang awal; kejadian-kejadian yang belum terjadi, khususnya yang berkaitan dengan masa depan Israel; akhir dunia; penghakiman terakhir, dan nasib umat manusia; zaman mesianik. Dalam Kitab Henokh, apokalips Yahudi yang paling lengkap, wahyu ini mencakup semua unsur yang beraneka ragam ini.


What is supposed to happen in 2012?Four predictions

“An imminent polar reversal that will wipe our hard drives clean.”
Daniel Pinchbeck

“The rare celestial alignment of our solar system, our sun, and
our planet with the center of our galaxy—an event that will
not happen again for another 26,000 years.”
Gregg Braden

The “dawning of a Wisdom Age … standing on the shoulders of
the Information Age.”
Peter Russell

“The December 21, 2012, date will likely be a “nonevent” similar to
… the widely anticipated Y2K phenomenon.”
Robert K. Sitler

Frasa 2012 memang menjadi bualan dek kerana tahun keramat ini dikatakan akan berlakunya kiamat.Hal ini telah menjadi isu kerana beberapa hipotesis menyatakan bahawa kaum mayans purba meramalkan peristiwa kiamat akan berlaku di sekeliling musim sejuk solstis 2012.

Dari segi pemahaman Islam,hari kiamat pasti akan berlaku dan merupakan perkara yang akan membuatkan seluruh dunia hancur. 

"Hari Kiamat merupakan hari yang digambarkan sebagai musnahnya seluruh alam dan bumi dan kebangkitan semula. Kiamat berasal dari perkataan bahasa Arab iaitu قيام yang bermaksud bangkit atau bangun. Ia merupakan satu kepercayaan dalam agama samawi, termasuk Yahudi, Kristian dan Islam."-sumber

Nama-nama hari kiamat dalam Islam

Nama-nama tersebut disebut dalam al-Quran:
Rumi (transliterasi) Arab Terjemahan
Yawm al-Qiyāmaṯ يوم القيامة Hari kebangkitan
al-Sā'aṯ الساعة Waktu
Yawm al-Akhīr يوم الآخر Hari Akhir
Yawm al-Dīn يوم الدين Hari akhir (agama)
Yawm al-Faṣl يوم الفصل Hari keputusan
Yawm al-Ḥisāb يوم الحساب Hari perhitungan
Yawm al-Fatḥ يوم الفتح Hari pengadilan
Yawm al-Talāq يوم التلاق Hari perpisahan
Yawm al-Jam'(i) يوم الجمع Hari pengumpulan
Yawm al-Khulūd يوم الخلود Hari kekekalan
Yawm al-Khurūj يوم الخروج Hari Keluar
Yawm al-Ba'th يوم البعث Hari Kebangkitan
Yawm al-Ḥasraṯ يوم الحسرة Hari penyesalan
Yawm al-Tanād يوم التناد Hari pemanggilan
Yawm al-Āzifaṯ يوم الآزفة Hari mendekat
Yawm al-Taghābun يوم التغابن Hari terbukanya aib
Yawm al-Wa'īd يوم الوعيد
Yawm al-Aẕīm اليوم العظيم Hari agung
al-Yawm al-Masyhūd اليوم المشهود Hari penyaksian
al-Qāri’aṯ القارعة Bencana yang menggetarkan
al-Ghāsyiaṯ الغاشية Bencana yang tak tertahankan
al-Ṣākhkhaṯ الصاخة Bencana yang memilukan
al-Tāmmaṯ al-Kubrā الطامة الكبرى Bencana yang melanda
al-Ḥāqqaṯ الحاقة Kebenaran besar
al-Wāqi'aṯ الواقعة Peristiwa besar

Tanda-tanda Kiamat menurut agama Islam merupakan suatu petunjuk atau isyarat yang sudah hampirnya Hari Kiamat. Bermula dengan tanda-tanda kecil dan kemudian disusuli dengan tanda-tanda besar.

 Tanda-tanda besar

  • Keluar sejenis binatang dari perut bumi yang digelar Dabbatul Ardhi.
  • Lahirnya Dajjal.
  • Keluar asap tebal.
  • Turunnya Nabi Isa a.s.
  • Kemunculan Imam Mahdi.
  • Matahari terbit dari ufuk barat.
  • Keluarnya suku Yakjuj dan Makjuj.
  • Diangkat al-Quran dan perkara-perkara yang baik
  • Runtuhnya Ka'abah
  • Terdengar tiupan sangkakala pertama.
  • Ada azan tak di jawab
  • 3 kali gempa bumi, sekali di timur, sekali di barat, dan yang ketiga di Semenanjung Arab.

Tanda-tanda kecil diantaranya:

  1. Penaklukan Baitulmuqaddis

  2. Zina bermaharajalela

  3. Bermaharajalela alat muzik

  4. Pemimpin yang terdiri dari orang yang jahil dan fasik

  5. Banyaknya berlaku gempa bumi


    Menurut pendapat saya,hari kiamat atau hari kehancuran memang wujud tetapi tidak siapa tahu akan bila tarikhnya.Jadi para saintis telah membuat pelbagai kajian mengenai perkara tersebut.Perkara ini terlalu sensitif untuk dibincangkan kerana masih tidak mendapat bukti kukuh akan bila berlakunya kiamat.Tetapi sebagai umat Islam kita perlu mempercayainya.Hari kehancuran dunia akan tetap berlaku dan perkara ini membuktikan bahawa setiap umatnya perlu mengingati yang siapa sahaja yang hidup di dunia ini pasti akan mati suatu hari nanti.

    Kenyataan ini akan membuatkan kita lebih banyak untuk melakukan kebaikan dan yakin bahawa kehancuran dunia akan wujud tidak kira bila pun tarikhnya.Walaupun tiada tarikh yang pasti akan hal ini,tetapi tanda-tanda kiamat sudah terbukti membuatkan kita lebih dekat dengan hari kiamat.

    Sebagai contoh,antara salah satu tanda-tanda kecil hari kiamat ialah banyaknya berlaku gempa bumi.Hal ini dapat kita lihat betapa kerap gempa bumi berlaku pada masa ini.

    Antara gempa bumi yang terbaru berlaku di Indonesia dan Filipina.

    Gempa bumi sederhana landa Luzon

    KUALA LUMPUR: Gempa bumi sederhana berukuran 5.4 pada skala Richter melanda Luzon, Kepulauan Filipina pada 6.30 petang tadi.

    Jabatan Meteorologi Malaysia, dalam satu kenyataan hari ini, menyatakan pusat gempa itu terletak di 110 kilometer (km) Barat Laut Manila dan kira-kira 942 km Timur Laut Kudat, Sabah.
    Gempa bumi itu bagaimanapun tidak membawa ancaman tsunami. - BERNAMA

    Gempa sederhana landa Selatan Jawa  
KUALA LUMPUR: Satu gempa bumi sederhana berukuran 5.3 pada skala Richter melanda Selatan Jawa pada 3.03 petang tadi.

Jabatan Meteorologi Malaysia dalam satu kenyataan hari ini berkata pusat gempa itu terletak di 124 km barat daya Yogyakarta, kira-kira 1,103km selatan Tebedu di Sarawak.

Gempa bumi itu tidak mencetuskan ancaman tsunami, menurut jabatan berkenaan. - BERNAMA NF NAK AZ.

Oleh itu,isu ini memang sangat subjektif untuk dibincangkan,semuanaya bergantung kepada individu itu sendiri untuk mengemukakan pendapatnya.Bagi saya 2012 itu hanyalah satu andaian tarikh.Hari sebenarnya belum tentu akan diketahui.Jadi Bergantung kepada individu itu sendiri untuk mengklasifikasikan isu ini.Masing-masing mempunyai kepercayaan dan teori sendiri.Natijah nya masih belum diketahui.


Malay Vernacular Architecture

Malay architecture was basically at first very simple and minimalistic ( to accommodate their families as they have very simple tools and also very low economy at that point of time.

Malays also at that time were also very prone to the natural disasters, wars, the expansion of their own families and also the finding of a source of food and economy for the Malays which was ever changing. Thus the only purpose of the houses was to protect themselves from the rain and sun and also to be easily movable when there was a need to.

But later, there was a great development in their construction to suit their ever changing lifestyles and needs. There were also many new more useful and complex tools that was invented to built more stable, bigger and more beautiful houses. Thus many new styles and shape of the architecture was born, which can clearly be seen in Malay States such as Malaysia, Indonesia and Brunei.

Early Malay houses can be described as raised on timber stilts and made of materials which were easily available from the tropical forests such as timber, bamboo, rattan, tree roots and leaves. Usually the houses have pitched roofs, verandahs or porches in front, high ceilings and lots of big openings for ventilation purposes. Although these characteristics are particularly common in all Malay houses throughout the Peninsular Malaysia, their shapes and sizes differ from state to state.

Through many decades, the Malay architecture has been influenced by Indonesian Bugis, riau and Java from the south; Siamese, British, Arab and Indian from the north; Portuguese, Dutch, Acheh, Minangkabau from the west; and Southern Chinese from the east. Due to this fact, the

Factors that govern the styles of the Malay vernacular architecture:

Malaysia is situated in the central part of the Southeast Asia, it is bordered by longitudes 100 degrees and 120 degrees east; and by Latitudes of the Equator and 7 degrees North. The country is sunny, hot anf humid all year round with temperatures range from 25 C to 34 C. It has an annual rainfall from 80" to 100". Due to heavy monsoon rains, the roofs of the Malay vernacular houses are very steep. In some places, flooding occurs after heavy rainfalls. To solve this problem, some houses have used timber stilts to elevate the building above the ground level. The warm climate also effects the style of the Malay vernacular architecture. For ventilation purposes, many buildings have large openings on the sides and grilles are provided at high level in gable ends. Houses raised on stilts are provided with better natural ventilation.

Since Malaysia has a tropical climate, building materials such as timber, rattan, tree roots, bamboo and leaves are easily available from the tropical forests. In a traditional Malay house, timber is used for the building structures, rattan and tree roots are used for tieing up joints whereas bamboo and leaves are used for floors and walls.

In the Malay culture, buildings such as houses and palaces that are highly hand-crafted and beautifully patterned and decorated reflect the building owners high status. For instance, the old Kenangan Palace in Kuala Kangsar, Perak which was built by a Malay sultan, has mignificiently crafted walls. As Muslims, the Malays have adopted the Islamic principles of orientation of mosques, particularly the prayer halls which have to be designed and faced towards Mecca. In other cases, some of the traditional Malay houses have floors at different levels, indicating the room functions. For instance, the verandah floor is raised lower than the living room floor. This is not only indicating the room functions but also giving a sense of spatial transition in the building.


During the colonisation periods of the Portuguese, Dutch and British, Malay architecture was exposed to many new building technologies. For example, zinc and clay tiles as substitutes for roofs made of leaves; brick and cement columns as replacements for timber stilts and ladder; glass for windows which were formerly open; and nails as alternatives for rattan and tree roots that tie joints together. These features can be seen at the Alor Setar's Balai Besar or Audience Hall in Kedah state. Built in 1898, the building has clay tile roofs, brick and cement stairs, glass windows with brick and timber walls. Each of these had a profound impact on the Malay vernacular architecture. It can also, then, be observed that the process of adopting new technologies to ancient architecture is not entirely a new idea. Malay architecture has been modified by technological and cultural changes for centuries.

Today, the styles of the Malay vernacular achitecture have inspired many young architects and engineers in designing Malaysia's contemporary architecture. In the past years, many modern buildings have focused their design concepts on the Malay vernacular architecture, particularly the Malay houses and palaces. Various roof shapes have derived from the Malay houses such as from the states of  Negeri Sembilan, Kelantan and Terengganu.

Traditional timber houses also incorporated design principals relevant in contemporary architecture such as shading and ventilation, qualities present in the basic house features. A main characteristic of a typical kampung house includes the obvious fact that it is raised on stilts or piles. This was to avoid wild animals, to be above floods, to deter thieves and for added ventilation. In parts of Sabah, the number of dowry buffaloes could even depend on the number of stilts there are in the bridal family’s home.

A traditional Malay timber house is almost always in at least two parts: 

The Main House called Rumah Ibu in honour of the mother (ibu) and the simpler Rumah Dapur or kitchen annex - this way if the kitchen catches fire only that part would be damaged, saving the main house. Proportion was also very important to give the house a human scale. Indeed, the Rumah Ibu was also named such because the spacings between stilts are said to typically follow the arms-spread width of the wife and mother in the family of the house when being built. There is also at least one raised veranda (Serambi) attached to the house for seated working or relaxation or where non-intimate visitors would be entertained, thus preserving the privacy of the interior.

For ventilation, the elevation of the house and also its many windows, holed carvings and slatted panels around the walls plus the high thatch or clay tile roofs all contribute to the cooling ambience. However the presently popular use of exposed zinc sheets, because of its ease of installation and cheap supply, unfortunately increases heat and is noisy during rain. All traditional roofs are always pitched to quickly drain off rainwater. Roofs come in two broad categories: ‘bumbung panjang’ long roof type with open gable ends or the ‘bumbung lima’/‘limas’ pyramidal variations. Both types cover almost every conceivable roof design, with some forms peculiar to certain areas or community groups, such as the elegant and distinctive upward curves of the Negeri Sembilan-style Minangkabau house. Traditional house roofs also always have wide overhangs for shading and protection from heavy tropical downpours. In many cases they have beautifully carved timber eaves to decorate the ‘visual connection’ between roof and sky. Some roofs hold attic bedrooms, effectively making the already raised structure a 3-storey edifice. In fact, there have been olden Malay palaces up to five or six storeys high built entirely in nail-free timber, as in Negeri Sembilan’s Seri Menanti palace.

1. Rumah Limas - Predominantly found in Johor, Malacca, Pahang, Terengganu 
                             and  Selangor.
2. Rumah Melaka - Predominantly found at Johor and Malacca.
3. Rumah Minangkabau - Predominantly found at Negeri Sembilan.
4. Rumah Bumbung Panjang Selangor - Predominantly found in Selangor.
5. Rumah Kutai - Predominantly found in Perak and northern Selangor.